For their home learning, Year 3 have been studying non-chronological reports. They had to use subheadings and paragraphs to organise their writing. Here are some of the reports they have written about Crawley Ridge Junior School. There will be some more added later this week!
Thank you to everyone who has visited us over the last two Fridays. We have loved seeing your smiling faces. Here is a video version of the presentation for those of you who were unable to join us.
If you have any questions please email:
Year 3 really want to help their new buddies. We have been learning about different types of poetry at home. Here are some of the poems they have written especially for this new blog!
Welcome to Crawley Ridge Junior School and our new blog. We are delighted you and your child will be joining our community in September 2020. The aim of this blog is to help you get to know us a little better so you all feel more confident and excited about joining us in a few months time . We will add useful information, photos and children's work over the coming weeks which you can look at as a family. The school is looking very welcoming in the sun at the moment so here are a few pictures you might like to see: